Devon Association of GovernanceDevon Association of Governance

Devon Association of Governance (DAG) election for the Devon Education Forum Summer 2023

The Devon Education Forum (DEF) is made up of representatives from schools and academies, but with some representation from other non-school organisations, such as nursery and 16-19 education providers and officers from the local authority. The forum acts as a consultative body on some issues and a decision-making body on others and at the moment, meets termly. Follow the link for further information on the work of the Devon Education Forum.

Vacancies exist for:

Primary Governors (maintained and maintained substitute)

Primary Governor/Trustee (academy and academy substitute) *         

Secondary Governors (maintained substitute)

Secondary Governor/Trustee (academy substitute) *

DAG is committed to a transparent and representative election process to ensure that DAG Schools Forum members fully represent DAG constituents in their governor subgroups (primary, secondary, special and academy*).

  • Having provided details of the vacancies above today, 09 May 2023 DAG will now ask for names of those wishing to stand for election to be forwarded to Amanda Blewett on [email protected] by 26th May 2023.
  • All constituents will then be able to access the election process on the DAG website and find details of those standing.  If more than one candidate comes forward for any vacancy, votes will be able to be cast until 20th June 2023.
  • Once the election date has passed, the votes will be counted and the result published on the DAG website by 27th June 2023. In the event of only the appropriate number of nominees standing, DAG reserves the right to appoint their representatives.  In the event of a tie between two or more candidates, the Local Authority will be asked to appoint the representative.

If you would like further information about any of the above vacancies please contact Amanda Blewett on  All DAG representatives to DEF are given DAG Associate status – further information on this can be found in on the DAG website in the Schools Forum section.

*Note:  Academy representatives represent the proprietor bodies of academies and are, therefore, not necessarily restricted to principals, senior staff or governors.

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